
What is the proper English word for 'Hochschulpolitik' ?
I honestly do not know, I'll just go with 'University Politics' ;-)
Who is allowed to participate in meetings of the HoPo Team?
Basically anyone who is interested. Whether you'd like to come forward with a proposal, find out about current topics or just want to know what we are actually doing, feel free to join us at the next meeting.
I have a problem regarding a course or a professor. Who should I approach?
Just send a mail to hopo 'at' vis.ethz.ch and we will help you and discuss further steps.
I have organisational issues regarding my studies in general. Who should I contact and where can I get help?
Contact the studies administraion office of the D-INFK, They will be glad to help. Their email is studiensekretariat(at)inf.ethz.ch.
I want to become a member of the HoPo team. How do I do that?
Email us (hopo(at)vis.ethz.ch) and we will add you to our mailing list.
How can I become a students' representative of the Unterrichtskommission (D-INFK), Departementskonferenz (D-INFK) or Mitgliederrat (VSETH)?
Our representatives are elected at the beginning of each semester at our general meeting. To make things more easy for you and us, it would be best to email us in advance.