
Don't worry

Do you suffer from social phobia? That's no reason not to write any articles! Publishing something in the Visionen doesn't require any direct human contact. Everything can be done impersonally via email. So sit in front of your keyboard and get started!

Advice for authors:

We've summarised the guidelines for articles for the VISIONEN in a easy-to-read PDF. If you have any questions, please contact the editory.

Types of articles

Letters from readers

Was there an article that you especially liked? One that you disagreed with? do you have any comments? We'd be happy to get your opinions. Email: visionen ät

Just for Fun

Reports about life in general and absurd events belong in this category. Tell us what befell you. Or write an 'artistic' article.

Internship reports

Did you do an interesting internship? Write about your experiences and contact us!

Research reports

Researching something interesting? Looking for students who'd like to do an internal project? Inform the students by telling them about your project.


Can you draw? Or are you constantly thinking up good lines? Contact us!

and much more

Anything made up of meaningfully connected words. Send it to us!