Profile of Visionen


The 'Verein der Informatik Studierenden an der ETH' (VIS; Association ofComputer Science Students at the ETH) has published Visionen, it's officalorgan, since 1984. The first issue dates back to the 18th of May 1984.

Since the founding days the magazine has continually improved and expandedin new directions. Today, Visonen positions itself as an informative magazine,that has the ambition to be more then a student's union magazine.


The Visionen are produced by a team of volunteer students. The articles arewritten by students, asistants, professors and industry veterans, and arewritten in German or English.


The Visionen cover a wide spectrum of themes:

  • Articles concerning the courses, in collaboration with the Departement, such as profiles of new professors or changes to the curriculum.
  • Articles about the various aspects of Computer Science: current research topics, legal and social aspects and also technical articles.
  • Humorous and informative articles about student life and cultural events.



  • Total circulation: 2'200 copies
  • According to WEMF (Base year of 2016): 2'175 copies


  • Computer Science students at ETH Zürich
  • Ph.D. candidates in Computer Science at ETH Zürich
  • Professors of the Computer Science department at ETh Zürich
  • Alumni of the ETH
  • Interested firms


VIS members receive the magazine automatically and free of charge. This includes more than 90% of all current computer science students at ETH. The remaining copies areplaced in the buildings of the departement and other important buildings of theETH.

Publication schedule:

6 issues yearly (3 per semester)